Squarelands is a person who acts as an intermediary between sellers and buyers of real estate, real property and attempts to find sellers who wish to sell and buyers who wish to buy.
The Squarelands agent having a fiduciary relationship with his clients. A real estate agent typically receives a payment called a commission for successfully matching a seller's real estate with a buyer such that a sale can be made. This commission can be divided up with other participating real estate brokers or agents when applicable.
A person or organization whose business is to market real estate on behalf of clients, but there are significant differences between the actions and liabilities of brokers and estate agents in each state. Squarelands takes markedly different approaches to the marketing and selling of real property.
Squarelands is the property consultancy in an areas like venture, flats plots, agriculture lands and also it provides designers like ( Civil engeneers, contractors, interior designer, plumbers, steel grills welders, marble and granite shiners and tiles fitter. )
Squarelands is a person who acts as an intermediary between sellers and buyers of real estate, real property and attempts to find sellers who wish to sell and buyers who wish to buy. The Squarelands agent having a fiduciary relationship with his clients. A real estate agent typically receives a payment called a commission for successfully matching a seller's real estate with a buyer such that a sale can be made. This commission can be divided up with other participating real estate brokers or agents when applicable.